Wednesday 23 October 2013

2014/2015 PTDF ScholarshipScheme - Undergraduate andPostgraduateThe Petroleum TechnologyDevelopment Fund (PTDF) is a Parastatal ofthe Ministry of Petroleum Resourcesestablished by Decree 25 of 1973 for thepurposes of development, promotion andimplementation of petroleum technologyand manpower needs through researchand training of Nigerians.The Fund’s Scholarship Application websitewill be open between 2nd October, 2013and 23rd October, 2013 for 2013/2014and 2014/2015 applicants.2013/2014:The website is open to all applicants forthe 2013/2014 academic session thatexperienced difficulties uploadingrelevant documents to their onlineapplication to attach and submit theirdocuments. However, those whosuccessfully applied and uploaded theirdocuments need not apply again.2014/2015:The Fund is also inviting applications fromsuitably qualified candidates for MSc andPhD Scholarships. A combined aptitude testwill be conducted for both 2013/2014 and2014/2015 MSc applicants as well as oralinterview for PhD applicants. Scholarshipswill be awarded to candidates that meet theselection requirements for both 2013/2014and 2014/15 in September 2014.Application Forms can be accessed onlineusing an ATM card or through purchase ofa scratch card from designated mainbranches of First Bank of Nigeria Plc in allthe States and FCT, upon payment of a NON-REFUNDABLE sum of N1,000 (One ThousandNaira Only). Instructions on how to accessthe form online are clearly stated on thebackside of the cards.Applicants may please note that only thosewho meet the requirements below shall beshortlisted and invited for an ElectronicAptitude Test, in the case of Masters Degreecandidates, while oral interview will beconducted for PhD (full time) on dates to beannounced later.UNDERGRADUATES (Nigeria Only)1. Possession of 5 credits in WAEC/SSCE/NECO including EnglishLanguage and Mathematics2. Must have concluded the 1st yearof their study in any of the PTDFupgraded Federal Universitieslisted above.3. Must have scored a minimumCGPA of 3.0 on scale of 5 or 4.5on a scale of 7 in their 1st Year.4. Must scan and attach a copy oftheir admission letter5. Students admitted into theUniversity through Direct Entryi.e. 200 level must have either ofthe following:i. Minimum of Upper Credit atthe Diploma levelii. Minimum of 10 points ininterim Joint MatriculationBoard (I.J.M.B) examination.iii. Minimum of 8 points at theAdvanced Level General Certificate ofEducation (G.C.E).MSc (Overseas)1. A minimum of Second Class Upper(2.1) in an Oil and Gas related field OR a 2.2with oil and gas industry experience.2. National Youth Service (NYSC)certificate.3. Applicants must be computer literate.4. Possession of O/level with Credit inEnglish Language in WAEC/SSCE (C6) or NECO(C4);5. Applicants must not be above 30years of ageApplicants without credit in Englishlanguage as in (4) above but possess anyof the following may applyi. Test of English language as a foreignlanguage (TOEFL)ii. G.R.E (Graduate Record Examination)iii. GMAT –for Management related coursesiv. International English Language TestingSystem (IELTS)PhD1. Applicants must be in NigerianInstitutions, teaching oil and gas relateddisciplines;2. Applicants must possess minimum of2.2 in their first degree and a good seconddegree certificate;3. Applicants must submit a researchproposal relevant to the oil and gasindustry (of not more than 5 pages) toinclude: Topic, introduction, objective,methodology and mode of data collection;4. Applicants must include a validadmission letter;5. Applicants must not be over 40 yearsof age; and;6. Applicants must include their MastersDegree projectA. MSCScholarships will be offered for admissioninto the under listed courses.1. Asset Management(Engineering Asset Management)2. Basin Evolution and Dynamics3. Diving and UnderwaterTechnology4. Energy Systems Engineering5. Environmental Engineering6. Environmental Remote Sensing7. Fire & Explosion Engineering8. Health Safety and Environment9. Marine Computational FluidDynamics10. Maritime Operations11. Occupational Health and Safety12. Offshore and Ocean Technology13. Offshore Engineering14. Pipeline Engineering andSecurity15. Purchasing and Supply ChainManagement16. Refinery Design and Operations17. Subsea Engineering18. Thermal Power (Gas TurbineOption)19. Welding Engineering20. Design of Rotating Machines21. Control Systems22. Hydraulic Engineering23. Fluid Mechanics and EnergeticB. PhD PRIORITY RESEARCH AREAThe PhD research areas in addition to theafore-listed MSc program areas may alsoinclude any of the following related areas:1. Environmental Studies andHSE (Health, Safety andEnvironment).2. Marginal Fields Development.3. Flow Assurance and PipelineEngineering.4. Geology and PetroleumGeology.5. Civil and Marine Engineering.6. Renewable Energy.7. Reservoir Engineering/Production Technology.8. Refining Technology.9. Ship Building and MarineTechnologyNOTE:(i) Candidates whose disciplines are notrelated to the above need notapply.(ii) Selection will be based strictly onperformance in the aptitude testand Oral Interview.

Saturday 28 September 2013

Strike: ASUU is lying, says FG - The Federal Government has accused theAcademic Staff Union of NigerianUniversities (ASUU) of being economicalwith the truth on lecturers prolongedindustrial action in the universities.The Senior Special Assistant to the Presidenton Youth and Students Matters, Com. JudeImagwe, stated that the claim by the unionthat its action was to restore infrastructuraldecay in universities was nothing but a lie,noting that ASUU was fighting forallowances.Imagwe was speaking in Abuja when hereceived some youth groups, who were ona visit to his office.His words: “They initially told us that it wasabout infrastructure, but it is aboutallowances. N30b has been released for thepayment of their accumulated allowances,and N100b earmarked for infrastructuraldevelopment. It is important for the publicto know that government did not say this isall that it will give, but government says goand start the payment with this amount andlet us know the amount it will add”.Meanwhile, Senior Staff Association ofNigerian Universities, SSANU, will tomorrowjoin ASUU on strike as the union said it hasmobilized its members across the country toembark on industrial action over allegedstoppage of their salaries for two months.SSANU, in a letter, dated 27 September,2013, and addressed to its branch chairmenin all the universities in the country,directed its members to stay away fromwork from tomorrow until the salaries arefully paid.The President of SSANU, Comrade SamsonUgwoke, said the strike will be total, whilethe General Secretary, who signed the letterdirecting members to stay at home fromtomorrow, Comrade Promise Adewusi, saidno member should go back to work until acounter directive was given.Adewusi stated that the union took thedecision following its letters to the vice-chancellors in universities, the Secretary tothe Government of the Federation, SenatorAnyim Pius Anyim, Ministers of Labour andProductivity, Chief Emeka Wogu andEducation, Nyesom Wike, as well as theExecutive Secretary, National UniversitiesCommission, Prof. Julius Okojie.In the meantime, the suspended strike bythe Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics(ASUP) is to resume on Friday.The union alleged insincerity and failure ofthe Federal Government to honouragreement entered with the union.The union also passed a vote of noconfidence on the National Board forTechnical Education (NBTE), alleging that theboard has failed to meet the needs anddemands of polytechnic education in thecountry.

Monday 9 September 2013

UNIBEN VC’s ALLEGED POISONING:‘Lecturers punished for ‘crimesagainst humanity’ are fighting back’ - …Affected staff ruined the lives of 142students…University of Benin (UNIBEN) GoverningCouncil recently sacked 44 staff of theinstitution allegedly involved in allegationsthat bordered on gross misconduct. Butsince the decision was taken, the Vice-Chancellor of the university, ProfessorOsayuki Oshodin, says he has not hadpeace. Recuperating from alleged foodpoisoning, he raised the alarm that some ofthose sacked by the university Council wereafter his life. In this interview, Oshodinalleges that some of the sacked staff wereinvolved in sexual harassment, extortionand fake admissions which resulted in therustication of 142 students. He also speakson the current ASUU strike. Excerpts:44 staff of the University of Benin includingsenior lecturers were sacked recently,triggering petitions accusing you of beingbehind their ordeal. What is your take onthat?I am not behind their sack. Some of themcollected money from students and thestudents have since been dismissed andthey named them. The procedure forsacking people, the Vice Chancellor does nothave a hand in it. First of all, the IntelligenceUnit of the university sometimes dictatessome of these things or, when they arereported to by students, they are now sentto the Disciplinary Committee. The ViceChancellor is not a member of theDisciplinary Committee. The Committee willmeet and make recommendation to Council.The Council take the ultimate decision andnobody can influence the Council.Council is made up of over fifteen members,so how can one person influence them? Wehave four sound lawyers in the Council, oneof them is a Senior Advocate of Nigeria(SAN). A former senator is the Chairman ofthe Council and other respectable Nigerians.So, I don’t know what they are talkingabout. I can show you the rules andregulations, they are all spelt out there. Youcan recommend somebody to the Counciland say the person should be freed due toone reason or the other, but the Council cansay no , the person must be punished.So it has nothing to do with the VC. It is sadthat these people talking and calling thename of the VC do not even talk about thecrime they committed. What most of themdid can be described as crime againsthumanity. Many of them collected moneyfrom students; engaged in sexualharassment, extortion, fake admission.People who did not take JAMB, who did notpass post-UME, who did not have tSSSCEwere cleared by these people. So what hastheir crimes got to do with the VC? It waspurely a Council decision and they weredismissed after investigations.Ungodly actA situationwhere yousexuallyharass astudent and you are now disciplined, youlook for who to blame and say you arebeing victimized. How can you collectN50,000 from a student and you say youare doing the right thing? Some of themwere even caught red handed. There was acase whereby security agents werepursuing the person inside the campus. Is itnot ridiculous? A big man running roundthe campus after he collected the moneybut he did not know security men werewatching him. It is wicked to collect moneyfrom a poor student who can hardly feed.Parents are even suffering to get schoolfees and you are collecting N50,000 fromthem. What shocked me most is that evenfemale lecturers were involved.I did not know that female lecturers can beinvolved in extorting money from students.I thought that women are mothers and theyare motherly, that was the shocker I got. Itis a shame. And I heard that some of themhad taught in other universities before andthey were thrown out. And this was whythe Council insisted that their names mustbe published in newspapers so that theywill not go to another university andcontinue to perpetrate their evil. Majority ofthem had been in the business for twentyyears. As a result, some people have gone tothe internet to publish more names that weshould look as they are also extortingstudents. Yet they are abusing themanagement of the university for theaction but they forgot that 142 studentsthat were to graduate could not graduatebecause these corrupt staff admitted themwithout basic requirements.You know that at the point of entry, theyare screened, at the point of departure, theyare also screened; it was at the point ofdeparture ‘that we discovered these 142.Some have spent five years, six years, fouryears but unfortunately, those years werewasted. So those ones were punished andyou that admitted them that was supposedto advise them rightly, you expect to stay,no way. It will be ungodly to allow only thestudents and parents to suffer it. Thosewho perpetrated the act deservepunishment and that was the decision ofCouncil. They ruined the life of thosestudents because they have to go and startafresh.One of the staff that was dismissed wasselling biometric data, and he was notsupposed to. I have children and I will notallow some body do that to them, what theydid was wicked and evil.I was shocked withthe revelations because I never believedsome of them were involved in some ofthese crimes. When I got to Council, where Iwas trying to plead for somebody becausethe person is a first offender, it was the firsttime something has been reported againsthim, it was then that the Chairman ofCouncil brought out a petition he wroteagainst me. I was shocked. When you go onthe internet, you will see the remarks offormer students who said it was good theywere caught.When did you notice this level of corruptpractices in the university?We never had a Governing Council foralmost two years, so the Security Unit of theuniversity had been gathering thisinformation. So when they say I am the onethat took the decision, why did I not takethe decision before the Council came. I don’thave that kind of power, it is the GoverningCouncil that has the power to appoint andto dismiss, not the VC. I did not even see thereport until it got to the Governing Council.ChallengesWe have been promoting infrastructuraldevelopment and academic development.We have new programmes which areputting us ahead of other universities, notonly in Nigeria but worldwide. We arerelating to international institutions, that iswhat academic is all about, not thesefrivolous petitions people are writingbecause they don’t like the truth and theyare enemies of progress. I want to takeUNIBEN to the upper most height before theend of my tenure. We are the best inNigeria. We are the most sought afteruniversity in Nigeria, JAMB can confirm toyou that more people apply to go to UNIBENthan any other university in Nigeria. That isnot just a coincidence, it is a result of thekind of things we are doing thereacademically.There was this report some time ago thatthe Inspector General of Police ordered theinvestigation of your activities?I am not aware of that. It is all propagandathat is being carried out by one of thosepeople who lost their jobs. One of them haswritten various frivolous petitions, he doesnot even know the regulations on theappointment of Heads of Department, it isthe prerogative of the VC to appointanybody as long as the person is a seniorlecturer and above. That is the bone ofcontention of one particular person whofelt he should be a Director. And this is theperson who stayed in one position foreleven years and was never promoted untilI became Vice Chancellor. I promoted himand employed his wife in the university, heis the one writing frivolous petitions.Investigate me over what? These are liesand propaganda being peddled to rubbishmy administration but they have failedbecause we are moving on whether theylike it or not.We learnt your life is being threatened andthat you were even poisoned recently?Yes I have been passing through hell but Iam not afraid God is my protector. It isthese people that lost their jobs that arethreatening my life and, as we are speaking,they have not given up. So if anythinghappens to me, all of them should be heldresponsible, especially one particular manwho is fond of writing frivolous petitions.He is being used, others are hiding underhim to perpetrate the crime but we know allof them. The problem is that there was somuch corruption in the university before Itook over as VC and they wanted me to doit the way they ran the place before and Isaid no. I want this place to develop, I havemore at stake in this university than anyone of them. I know how the land wasgiven to the Federal Government for theuniversity to be sited there, part of it is myfamily land.There was no compensation paid to us, butwe did not make noise about it, yet somepersons think they can colonize the placewith their corrupt practices. I was evenpoisoned by these people but I survived.When God is with you, you are fullyprotected. I believe that God sent me to theuniversity for a purpose and He will notwant me to die on the job. I believe they arewasting their time. Nobody believed that Iwill be Vice-Chancellor; if you know all thewrangling then, you will know what I amtalking about. I did not join any group tofight for it, it was the hand work of God,God gave me the position and God isprotecting me and He will protect me to theend of my tenure. And those who want tofight God will face his wrath.Are you not worried about the prolongedASUU strike?We all are worried. But I believe thatthrough dialogue and understanding, theissues will be resolved soon. There isnothing that cannot be solved throughdialogue. The thing is that if we have goodcommunication with the unions, we won’thave problems. This is my fourth year as VC,I have not had any problem with the unionsand that is because of my open door policy.I told them if there are things you don’t likethat I do, please call me to order. I have anopen-door policy and the union membersare human beings, they are understandingtoo. It is usually better to dialogue and findsolutions to problems.Are you saying dialogue is the secret of yousuccess so far?My doors are wide open for everybody. Ifthere are problems, we discuss them; theones I can solve immediately, I will solve,the ones I cannot, I will appeal to them togive me some time. For example, when Itook over, I met a backlog of promotionarrears up to ten, twelve years and I paid itgradually. Those are their entitlements. Youknow in the university system, we run itlike a community; it is not a one man show.So you involve them so they actually seewhat is going on, you won’t have anyproblem. It is only when you exclude themin the running of the university that youhave a problem. Like this issue oftermination of appointment of some staff,the Vice-Chancellor has nothing to do withit.My dream for UNIBENI want to see UNIBEN on top; in Nigeria,they are already on top but, before the endof my tenure, I want to see them among thefirst one hundred universities in the world.That is my dream.There is this rumour that youre nursinggovernorship ambition?I am not a politician. This rumour is beingpeddled by the same people who do notmean well for the university. They havesaid all sorts of things. I am an academicianso I wonder where they are getting theirinformation from – it is still part of themischief and I have decided to ignore it.God will judge.

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