Tuesday, 30 July 2013

HOW TO USE ANOTHER SIMCARDON UR MODERM WITHOUTUNLOCKING ITHOW TOUSE ANOTHERSIMCARD ON URMODERMWITHOUTUNLOCKING ITEven up till now, someof you have notbeen able to Use any SIMon your InternetModem unlock, I havedecided to Publishthis tutorial in order toenable you usedifferent sim cards inyour Modem withoutUnlocking.Its Very Simple but youwill need to haveNokia PC Suite Installedon your PC beforethis tutorial can be usefulfor You.Lets Get Started!1. Download Nokia PCsuite to your PC atnokia.com or googlesearch for it.2. Insert any SIM into yourModem {Even ifit is not Unlocked} andplug to your PC.3. Your Modem will displayInvalid SIMWarning, just ignore itand close modemsoftware.4. Start NOKIA PC suite.5. Click on File > Connectto the Internet,then click on the thespanner Like Icon toConfigure it.6. Select your Modem fromthe List, andInput the Operator APNsetting as whenyou want use Nokiamobile connection.Eg:- Airtel=internet.ng.zain.comMTN =web.gprs.mtnnigeria.netGlo = glogwapEtisalat = etisalat7. Finish Set up.8. Now connect to internetthrough PCsuite.9. Wow!!! You are connectto the Internetusing your PC Suite +Modem withoutunlocking the modem.NOTE:- You can insertanother Sim Cardand follow the abovesteps then you putthe APN of the networkprovider and youare good to go.>>>carry these out stepby step. Dont skipany step.Please Try AndComment On ThisPost & Also Click TheS

1 comment:

  1. Good work but is not working,
    i follow the step but it fail to connect at all.So I unlocked my Dongle by unlock code with a help of Mobile-Unlocker.com
